When you turn 30...things start changing...then it's all downhill after 35.... 

Your metabolism slows, hormones are crazy, kids keep you busy, desk jobs keep you sedentary, and all the usual crap you used to do to lose weight doesn't work anymore....

We are here to prove to you that it doesn't have to be that way.

Meet Lacy
Mom ages 7,8

Meet Miranda
Mom ages 11,14

Meet Jenn
Mom 4yo twins

Mom ages 17,20

So what's happened?

  • You move less than you used to.
  • Your stress is higher than it used to be.
  • You don't have time to exercise and meal plan like you did before
  • ​You have cycled on and off of low calories so many times nothing you do anymore works.
  • ​Your sleep isn't what it used to be. You stay up late for "alone time" from the chaos or you wake up multiple times and start the day groggy.
The older we get, the more we've yo-yo dieted, the more our hormones work against us not for us, the more our bodies adapt.  Adapted bodies DON'T CHANGE as easily as they used to.  


Lacy's Story

When we adopted Meili, I went from a go go go personal trainer and endurance athlete to a Special Needs Mama overnight. I wasn't sleeping, I was drinking every night, and I felt guilty going to the gym because it was time I could spend at home. I lost myself. In 6 short weeks, I gained 15lbs and began to accept that my Mom's "just wait until you're 35" was pre-ordained. But I decided to fight. I took control of my health, healed my body from years of Hashimoto's and chronic fatigue syndrome and now rock a body that I wished I had had in my 20s. Not because I just look good, but because I finally FEEL good.

Miranda's Story

After having my second baby in 2010 I struggled with loving myself again. I hardly recognized myself when I’d look in the mirror. I was desperate to lose weight which resulted in me trying every thing one could think of. Low carb, vegetarian, “all natural” weight loss pills, cleanses, MLM diets, you name it, I tried it. When none of those worked, I knew there had to be something out there that allowed me to still enjoy life with my family and not consume me to the gym. I needed balance, and that’s what I have found! I never thought I’d be this close to 40 and look and feel better than I did when I turned 30! 

Jenn's Story

I don’t think anyone can prepare you to become a mom of twins and hit perimenopause all in the same year. To be honest I didn’t even know who I was anymore. I was losing control of not only my body but my life. Constantly chasing the idea of 22 year old me before kids, I didn’t even realize that I could get in the best shape of my life at that moment. It took me kicking my old ways of running marathons and hopping into one spin class to the next to feel confident to step into the weight room! It took me saying goodbye to low carb and low fat diets to welcoming foods I actually liked! I started to fight for not only my body but for my health! 

Kimberly's Story

Always sore, always sick, always sleepy. 5 autoimmune diagnosis. That was me for so many years. As a Mother and Pastor's wife, putting my health first never crossed my mind. MLM supplements, vitamins, container diets, low fat, low carb, you name it, I tried it. In 2018, I hit a wall. I realized I couldn’t keep living life at 300#. It was time to make health a priority. Hiring a coach 1 year into weight loss was a huge step for me, and I am so glad I did! I believe women need to look past the pills, gimmicks, and fads. Take a look at what they are actually eating. Food is fuel. Food is medicine. Food can heal. I feel better as I approach 40 than I did in my 20s.

Getting older is not a death sentence for your body!


  • You have tried all the fad diets, OPTAVIA, KETO, LOW CARB, POWDERS PILLS AND POTIONS...nothing works for long.
  • You're puffy and bloated after meals.
  • Your sleep stinks.Restless, inconsistent, nights filled with anxiety.
  • ​You don't feel at home in your body anymore, the person in the mirror is not who you want to see.
  • You have lost and gained 10-30lbs on repeat.
  • You have noticed a shift in your energy.  Tired all the time, coffee is a lifeline in the morning. 
  • You are moody, periods are painful, heavy and a mess, and feel like something is off hormonally (acne, bloating, infertility).
  • ​You no longer have time for complicated gym routines and exercise programs so why even try?
  • ​You don't feel confident in your clothes anymore.  And sex...who has sex anymore?

I know what you're thinking...you've tried it all.

We all have.  And so have many of our clients.  We have helped hundreds of women JUST LIKE YOU that were struggling. Oftentimes you start a program or a diet and you don't really know what you're doing.  There's no road map. You're just driving blind, trying to google your way into the body of your dreams.  This leads to more doubt, more despair, and just the re-telling of the story that YOU are past your prime and too old to have a body that you love.

Here is why working with us is different...

  • We have all been in your shoes, we are living breathing "what is possible" for you.
  • We care.  We keep our rosters small so we can care FOR YOU.
  • We are educated.  All of our coaches have not only your typical certifications, but we've done advanced training in all things hormones, thyroid, and female metabolic health.  
  • We create a customized plan just for you. Your plan is YOURS...not anyone else's.
  • We are accessible.  You have access to ask us questions, we are there to support you.
  • We are not affiliated with any company.  We don't sell you stuff, no powders, potions, fake food or leggings.
  • ​We are a team.  We all work together FOR YOU.  We have a community of women that are doing the work or have done it.
  • ​We are objective.  We know weight loss is emotional, we are the empathetic understanding support system that will keep you going from week to week. 

Imagine a life where you don't fear stepping on the scale every morning. A life where having energy to play with your kids is the norm.  A life where you don't have anxiety putting on last year's shorts because you fear they won't fit.  Imagine living a life you've dreamed of, but had given up on.

This is all possible.  
It is not too late.   

Skeptical? Listen to our clients?

Kelly's Story

Robin's Story

Annette's Story

2 Sisters Story

I know...you need more proof...

Not all of our clients share their progress photos.  We value your preference and your privacy.  What you share is up to you.

Single Mama in her 40's that had tried every diet under the sun.
We've helped her manage stress, better her sleep, improve her energy, and she's done all of this without adding in consistent exercise.  She's lost so many inches, friends and family didn't recognize her!
Grandmother in her 50's that struggled w/Hashimoto's and had lost and gained on the Optavia diet.  We raised calories, helped manage stress, tailored exercise to her. Now she's eating more and maintaining like a pro.  Her most recent labs were MUCH improved and her Hashimoto's is controlled. 
Mama of 4 that has not only improved her digestive health but also her overall relationship with food.  She lost the majority of this eating over 2000 calories and doing steps as her movement.  We've focused on stress management, sleep quality, and she's now down almost 14lbs.
Mama in her late 30's that came to us having lost 100lbs on her own but stalled when calories got below 1,000.  We raised her calories to above 2,000 while working on gut health, stress management, implementing gentler forms of movement and she's lost 15 more lbs and changed her body shape and strength dramatically.  
Mama in her 40's that came to us wanting to improve her health overall.  Not only did she lose 26lbs, but she looks like she took 15 years off of her life. When she started, she dealt with mobility issues that had her sedentary for years.  Now she is maintaining her weight on her own and enjoys weekend hikes with her family.
Mama of 4 in her late 30's that came to us and wasn't convinced this would work for her.  She's now lost 20lbs, and has a whole new appreciation for food and the knowledge around fueling her body.  She went from a skeptic to a believer.  She's worked on stress management, sleep quality and movement that works for her. 

Here's what you'll learn...

  • How to understand the food on your plate.
  • How to eat at restaurants, on the weekends, on vacation, at family bbq's, at work, or in life when it gets busy...so this STICKS.
  • How much food YOU need for YOUR body.
  • How to move and exercise in a way that fits your life.
  • How to read your body's signs.  What does it mean when the scale goes up and down.
  • How to understand your menstrual cycle, its symptoms and how that is a marker of health.
  • ​How to reframe your mindset.  The key to keeping weight off is it to reframe your story.  We teach that.

But what does this cost?

First off, people who pay...pay attention.  Money is amazing accountability tool to ensure YOU have skin in the game.  BUT....

Every person is different.

Ever had a home remodel done?  They don't quote you a price over the phone.  Why?  Because they need to come in and take measurements and find out what YOU want.  What YOU need.

This is the same.  We do a full consultation with every person before they enroll with us to ensure we know 3 things....

  • Are we the right fit for you? (not everyone is)
  • What do YOU need? (everyone is different)
  • How long is this going to take? (clients work with us for 6-18 months depending)

Our plans range from $350 a month up to $750 a month depending on WHAT YOU NEED and for how long. 
Additionally, we offer multiple paid in full discounts.

We work with women who are OVER spinning their wheels and ready to invest in themselves.

How much time and money have you wasted on other things that didn't pan out? How many times have you relied on google or the ladies in your office to decide what's healthy for you.  How often have you told yourself "I don't follow through" but you've never given yourself the accountability TO follow through?

Need more proof?  This is what our clients are saying!


  • Is this only for Moms?  Nope!  While we work predominantly with Mom's we are open to working with ladies that don't have kids OR are looking to get pregnant in the near future.
  • Is this only for ladies over 30?  Nope!  While we work with women 30+ a lot, we are also able to help ladies that just don't want to end up in their 30's  and in this pattern we see so often. 
  • ​Is this only for women?  Nope!  We have a men's coach for those Dad's that feel the SAME way.
  • ​Do I have to workout?  Nope!  A lot of our clients start with nutrition only and we focus on steps.  Remember, this is tailored to YOU!
  • Do I get a meal plan? Nope!  Meal plans teach you ONE thing, to follow that meal plan.  Eventually, you get tired of that and end up falling off "plan". We teach you HOW TO EAT.  That means YOU learn to have freedom and eat food you want.
  • Do I have to track my food?  That depends.  Food awareness is the first step and usually in order to know what you're eating, we do recommend being aware of your calorie intake to start before we transition to a more intuitive eating approach.
  • Do I have to buy supplements?  Nope!  While supplementation can be a part of your program, we don't sell supplements.  Any recommendations will be non-biased in nature and just that, recommendations. 

Last Question, what does this program entail?


  • Weekly check ins with your coach via recorded video going over all your data. We look directly at your food!
  • ​Custom calorie and macro plan tailored to you and explained in detail with a video to show you WHY we are doing what we are doing.
  • Access to our custom app where you can easily sync to track your steps, weight, sleep, and an easy way to enter in measurements and progress photos.
  • Custom habit tracker to help you stay accountable daily.  All habits are created and tailored TO YOU!
  • Access to your coach via our app for questions and additional support. 
  • Access to our client portal with 55+ video library.  We have training on everything from MyFitnessPal to grocery shopping, meal planning, vacation planning, stress management, and so much more.  New videos are added monthly. 
  • You'll become a member of our private client only Facebook group for support, questions, weekly lives and guest speakers.
  • ​Access to a 750+ video library of 20 minute at home workouts that can be done with dumbbells and a chair.  These workouts are follow along style and for all levels.
  • ​Ability to add on custom workout programming at any time should you want things with exercise to be more tailored. *costs an additional fee*

One final note from Lacy, founder of the My Coach Community...

What are our team's qualifications?

  • 30+ years experience combined
  • ​1000+ coached in person and online
  • ​Precision Nutrition Level 1 Certified
  • ​NCI Level 1 Certified
  • ​Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner x2 in progress
  • ​Advanced Coaching Systems Certified x 3
  • ​Functional Nutrition and Metabolism Specializations
  • ​Certified Personal Trainer
  • ​Pre-Postnatal Certified Trainer
  • ​ISSA Sport Nutritionist 
  • ​ISSA Endurance Nutrition Certified
  • ​Pregnancy and Postpartum Corrective Exercise Specialist
  • ​Health Mindset Coach Certification
  • ​Bachelor of Science in Human Development
  • ​Advanced Female Fat loss considerations 
My Coach Community 2021
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